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Wednesday, 29th April 2020

Foto del escritor: Teacher LuciaTeacher Lucia

Hello, children! How are you? Do you like rainy days? Today it is raining ... in April it rains a lot but... April showers bring May flowers. 💧💧🌼🌼


📝ACTIVITY: la actividad que os propongo hoy solíamos hacerla mucho en clase para practicar la gramática inglesa. Se trata de colocar en orden correcto las palabras de una frase. Recuerda: no dejes piezas atrás y una vez termines de ordenar, lee cuidadosamente lo escrito para comprobar si tiene sentido.


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Tuesday, 16th June 2020

Hello, children! This week is the last because summer is starting and we are on holiday. So... I wish you happy days in summer and I hope...

Monday, 8th June 2020

Good morning, everybody!! Today it starts a new week. The weather is sunny and cloudy. How are you feeling today? 1ST GRADE 📙 BOOK: Ver...

Monday, 1st June 2020

Good morning, everybody! First graders, second graders and third graders... all together! Today we start a new month and new rules....


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